Bearing in mind that we want to reflect critically on the use of blogs in education in a sustainable manner and decide on its use taking into account different educational scenarios, this educational trip to the blogosphere was conducted adopting the Connectivism as a learning theory supposedly more updated. This interpretation was enriched thinking in different situations, with the help of just the two regimes of justification has shown dominant in the understanding of professorial teaching practices in school evaluation: industrial justification and domestic justification. Although we refer to all levels of education, the study focus in secondary education, exactly where the literature is scarce, following the usual pattern the researchers to study the contexts in which they live.
Conclusion - EDUBLOGUES.PT
Etiquetas: Conclusion, CONECTIVISMO, EDUbloguesPT | author: José NetoAnalyzing the educational blogosphere, we identified significant regularities, even starting from a learning theory that understands the chaos characteristic of the teaching process and the growth and formation of networks. We felt the need to place an order in the Digital World, to be able to define what should be observed. The regimes of justification have proved productive in the comparison of learning scenarios in Connectivism, because the analysis of the blogosphere through the educational literature, allowed the design of some contrasting situations.
We conclude that despite all the potential assigned to the blogs, the kind practiced in teaching through the teaching of Secondary education, bringing the test to method of teaching [1] there is no time for building blogs. Teachers complain that the programs are extended but must be met. But we believe that it would be advantageous to the existence of a resource blog built by teachers, since the Web is certainly the "handbook" closer to the students. The argument of lost time in class could be overcome, opting for the construction of a class blog where students will be all collaborators through their homework. Teachers who like to do all the beads for classification purposes - industrial perspective of justification - would like to be able to count the homework for each student by simply clicking on its label, and have the portfolios accessible at any time.
When the assessment in Secondary level relieves the pressure, it's possible to find examples of educational blogs. Vocational courses and New Opportunities in the face of these situations illustrate through education. These sectors of secondary school have frequently experiences with blogs, because the portfolio of professional courses can be effectively valued [2], and at New Opportunities all focus on work that accumulates in portfolio. We also noted the potential of blogs in the personalization of education in the case of pupils with Special Educational Needs. In these situations the predominant interest in integrating students into the community, in the domestic justification.
In primary education, assessment is not a constant of daily school life, having time for children to express themselves creatively building blogs. Note that with the students in school all day, you also need to be masochistic to opt for classroom discourse, with opportunity for practice sessions, where blogs are a really interesting alternative. Naturally, the choice is justified in the name of motivation, etc. students (domestic justification).
The domestic justification is taken home in higher education, offering more autonomy to students, as alleged in this level of education.
The poor penetration of the blogs in daily school life may be attributed partly to the clash of cultures identified by Prensky, because while children learn with friends and family (in the domestic context) and have basic skills in computers in the 5th grade, the teachers feel the need to adapt to a digital world that is no longer yours. To this goal they need to do training (industrial justification), but most likely only will stay updated the self-taught.
[1] These words are not excessive when many classes are passed to solve exams from previous years or in similar assignments.
[2] It is understood by "really appreciated the" evaluation criteria provide ~ 50% for the tests, ~ 50% for blogs. This is important because if the tests have a 90% weighting, the blogs will not be made.
Interpretando as decisões em diversas situações: os regimes de justificação
Etiquetas: EDUbloguesPT, justificação doméstica, justificação industrial | author: José NetoEduBlogues - Índice
Etiquetas: EDUbloguesPT, index | author: José Neto- Resumo
- Summary
- Introdução
- Interpretando as decisões em diversas situações: os regimes de justificação
- Regime de justificação industrial: As crianças como futuros trabalhadores
- Regime de justificação doméstica: As crianças como pessoas
- Redefinindo o Conectivismo, integrando os regimes de justificação
- A blogosfera educativa em Portugal
- Blogues no Ensino Secundário
- Conclusão
- Conclusion
- Bibliografia
- Versão PDF com 12 PP. - Justificação industrial
- Anexo I
- Anexo II
- Verão PDF original - Justificação doméstica
Etiquetas: Bibliografia, EDUbloguesPT | author: José NetoDOWNES, Stephen, (2009), The Role of Open Educational Resources in Personal Learning, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Visitado em Junho de 2011,
PRENSKY, Marc, (2001), Digital Natives Digital Immigrants,
Visitado em Junho de 2011, PRENSKY, Marc, (2004), The Emerging Online Life Of The Digital Native,
Visitado em Junho de 2011, Conclusão
Etiquetas: CONCLUSÃO, EDUbloguesPT | author: José NetoBlogues no Ensino Secundário
Etiquetas: EDUbloguesPT, Ensino Secundário | author: José NetoA blogosfera educativa em Portugal
Etiquetas: EDUbloguesPT | author: José Netosentido estudar no vazio: a utilização de blogues será mais frequente no 2º + 3º
ciclos e no Ensino Superior que no Ensino Secundário.
Redefinindo o Conectivismo, integrando os regimes de justificação
Etiquetas: CONECTIVISMO, EDUbloguesPT, justificação doméstica, justificação industrial | author: José Neto2 - Aprendizagem é um processo de conectar nós especializados ou fontes de informação;
3 - Aprendizagem pode residir em dispositivos não humanos;
4 - Capacidade de saber mais, é mais crítica do que é conhecido actualmente;
5 - Cultivar e manter conexões é necessário para facilitar a aprendizagem contínua;
6 - Habilidade de visualizar conexões entre áreas, ideias e conceitos é uma habilidade fundamental;
7 – Conhecimento actualizado (exacto, actualização do conhecimento) é a intenção das actividades de aprendizagem conectivistas;
8 - Tomar decisões é em si um processo de aprendizagem. Escolher o que aprender e o significado das informações que chegam é visto através da lente de uma realidade em mudança. Uma resposta que está certa agora, pode ser errada amanhã devido a alterações no clima informações que afectam a decisão.